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When divorce comes to mind, you may think of long bitter fights over custody of children, division of property and alimony. Although this type of battle sometimes happens in certain divorces, it does have to be this way. If you are able to cooperate with your spouse in finding solutions that would be mutually beneficial, you can use mediation to make your divorce a quick and fairly painless process.

What are the benefits of mediation?

The primary reason mediation can lead to a more amicable divorce process is that it gives you and your spouse, not the court, control over the outcome. During mediation, each spouse works with his or her attorney as well as a mediator. The purpose of the mediator is to assist you and your spouse in seeing past your differences and help find an amicable solution to the issues in the divorce.

If used, mediation offers several benefits over litigating your divorce issues including:

· Lower stress: Mediation allows you and your spouse to make your own decisions as to the outcome of the divorce. As a result, it eliminates a significant amount of the stress and worry found in a traditional divorce.

· Speed: Using the courts to resolve your divorce is often a slow process that can take over a year to complete. However, mediation allows you to work at your own pace.

· Financial savings: Taking a divorce to trial can cause your legal fees to balloon significantly. Mediation, on the other hand, does not involve the courts and is faster, so the legal fees are also less than a traditional divorce.

· Easier on your children: Litigating your divorce can cause your children to be caught in the middle of your public dispute with your spouse in court. However, mediation allows you to settle your differences privately outside of court.

Depending on your situation, mediation may or may not be a viable solution for you. Attorney Eric Grinnell of the Grinnell Firm, PSC can evaluate your situation and recommend the best way to an amicable divorce.