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One of the most common questions that we here at The Grinnell Firm, PSC receive is whether divorced parents are able to move away from Richmond with their kids. Your reasons for contemplating such an action may be understandable; you may find an opportunity for employment elsewhere, or you may simply find that remaining in the same area recalls too many painful memories from your marriage. Whatever your reasons, you should first know that you are allowed to move away. However, taking your kids with you requires that you follow Kentucky’s criteria for parental relocation. 

That criteria can be found in the state’s Family Court Rules of Procedure and Practice. Regardless of whether you have sole or joint custody of your kids, you must provide both the court and your ex-spouse with notice of your intent to relocate. Such a notice must include the following information: 

  • The location that you wish to move to (along with your new address)
  • The date you plan to leave
  • What effect (if any) the move may have on your custody arrangement

Upon receiving the notice, your ex-spouse then has 20 days to contest any proposed changes in custody that will result from the move. 

Including your ex-spouse on your plans to move is important (particularly if you plan on moving with the kids). This gives the two of you the chance to come up with the modified custody arrangement on your own. If you are able to do that, such a new custody proposal should be included in your notice to the court (along with confirmation that your ex-spouse has signed off on it). 

You can learn more about modifying your custody arrangement by continuing to explore our site.