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As you and your spouse approach your divorce mediation session in Kentucky, you may wonder whether this process can really help to settle any of your issues. The conflicts between the two of you may be at the point where it is difficult to have a positive conversation, so it may not seem that mediation will be effective. At The Grinnell Firm, PSC, our goal is to help our clients get the most out of mediation in order to avoid a costly courtroom battle and set the stage for a better relationship going forward.

The American Bar Association recommends considering the answers to these questions about your relationship disputes before you begin mediation:

  • What are your disputes with your spouse really about?
  • Does the answer change if you look at the situation from your spouse’s point of view?
  • Have any of the issues between the two of you been created by hurt feelings or misunderstandings?
  • Are there any issues you and your spouse agree on?
  • What is it that you want to accomplish through mediation?

With the answers to these questions in hand, you can turn to the deeper preparation for the mediation. For example, there may be information, documentation or legal rules that would change your outlook or your spouse’s outlook on the disputed matters.

You should also keep in mind that you may have to compromise on many points in order to be successful in mediation and avoid the time and expense of litigation. Once in the courtroom, your settlement is in the hands of the judge who may not see things your way. Separate what you need from what you want, and prioritize these so that you can negotiate realistically without feeling cheated.

To learn more about what to expect from divorce mediation, please visit our webpage.